Dr J Sandy Bradbrook (Chair)

Sandy was brought up in Liverpool, read Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge and after completing his PhD at Manchester he joined Tube Investments in Birmingham in 1970. There followed a successful 15 year progression across 3 different manufacturing industries. Then followed 25 years in the NHS in a variety of posts all at CEO level.

He has been CEO of a Health Authority (in Wigan), a specialist Acute Trust (Birmingham Children's Hospital), and Chief Executive for Heart of Birmingham teaching PCT for his last five years before retiring in March 2010 from full-time employment.

Since his retirement he has run his own consultancy company and undertaken pro-bono roles such as helping design a major Conference in April 2013 on "Reconnecting Faith with Health" and as Chairman of the Children's University.

He has been married for over 46 years to Averyl, who is a priest in the Church of England, and has 3 children.  The youngest, Peter (31) is a young man with Down's Syndrome who lives independently in Carlisle.


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