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What is Children's University?


The Children's University believes that children can and do learn anywhere, when doing all sorts of activities, and that children learn best when they decide what they want to learn, when and where, and most importantly, have FUN whilst learning.

We are one of a growing number of Children's Universities around the country, each working to provide children aged 5-14 years with exciting experiences and innovative learning activities outside of the normal school day.



Exciting learning experiences outside school hours

The whole idea behind the Children's University is to encourage children to develop new interests and join in new activities, and then celebrate and reward their achievements.

Every activity and venue offered through the Children's University has been checked and validated to make sure it provides the highest quality learning experience. Activities and venues are called 'Learning Destinations'.



Your 'Passport to Learning'!

Every child taking part in the Children's University has their own special 'Passport to Learning' which they use to collect activity stamps each time an event or venue is attended, or when a learning activity is undertaken.

Learning doesn't just take place in the classroom. Children learn new things in all sorts of places: at museums, on nature walks, by playing sports and music, and much more besides.

Issued with a Passport to Learning, children can travel around London and the UK with their Passport to Learning, collecting stamps in recognition of their learning as they go. After all - travel is what a Passport is for!