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#YearofGreenAction Challenge

You can use these support materials to help your children complete the #YearofGreenAction Challenge (we have temporarily re-released this activity for families looking for green activities.  This was written before Social Distancing so please follow current Government guidance about what can be done outdoors at this time)


There is so much we can all do to help our wildlife and to reduce our footprint on the environment, whether at home, work or at school.

Kent Year of Green Action provides you with the opportunity to get involved and make a difference, whatever age you may be and from whatever background.  Supporting the Kent Environment Strategy and reflecting the governments national Year of Green Action, Kent Year of Green Action will promote opportunities throughout 2019.


Useful documents and links

Here is some additional information about the Year of Green Action and its links with the Social Action #iwill Campaign:

To support these campaigns, we are asking you to share ideas and activities via Social Media tagging in Kent Children's University and using the hashtags #KentGreenAction #KCUGreenAction and #iwill.  It would be a great way for us to see what you are doing in your community!


Submitting evidence

  • Evidence could be photographs, videos, Social Action journals, Learning Logs, Word documents, Powerpoint materials etc.  Keep an eye out for more information about how and when to send evidence to us via our Facebook page.


Children's University Validated Learning Destinations, Partners and activities that support #YearofGreenAction


Non-CU Valiadated activities but KCU will still issue Learning Credits for participation in their events this year

We would like to see this list grow over the next year.

If you would like to recommend a potential Learning Destination, partner or activity for the #YearofGreenAction, please email kcu@theeducationpeople.org   We will then make contact with the organisation to see if they would like to become a Learning Destination.  Once the organisation has been through the Validation process, they will be able to issue Learning Credits for the activities your children have taken part in.

You could also take  this information to your existing club to let them know that your children are part of Children's University! 


General Challenge activity support materials

  • Social Action Journal - You can use this journal to document Social Action activities such as campaigning, fundraising and volunteering.  You could use the journal to help you evidence your involvement in a number of the #YearofGreenAction Challenge activities.  You can find out more about Social Action and our #iwll Pledge in this document too.  Just look out for the #iwill logo on each Challenge activity
  • Learning Log - If you would like to use this log to record your activities, please do but you can be creative in how you share your information with us!




*  Children's University App is free to download from iTunes or the Google PlayYou do not need a login to access the Learning Destinations across the country.